Downloading cutouts

This page gives a brief overview of how to download cutouts with EveryStamp and which surveys are supported.

Table of contents

  1. Basic cutout download
  2. Local cutouts
  3. Catalogue download
    1. SkyView surveys
    2. HiPS surveys
  4. Optical surveys
    1. DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys
    2. Pan-STARRS
  5. Radio surveys
    1. LoFAR LBA Sky Survey
    2. LoFAR Two-metre Sky Survey
    3. TIFR GMRT Sky Survey
    4. VLA Sky Survey

The download subcommand allows you to download FITS or JPEG cutouts from various surveys. Available surveys include those offered by SkyView and a number of custom additions not (yet) present in SkyView.

Basic cutout download

A basic cutout download requires five arguments and can be obtained via

everystamp download --survey <survey> --ra <ra> --dec <dec> --size <size> --mode <mode>

This will download a square cutout centred on the given right ascension and declination, with a width and height specified by size. The mode can be fits, jpeg or both to download the respecitve formats. Note that not all surveys support JPEG cutouts. Various surveys may also have further arguments specific to them. See everystamp download -h for a complete summary of available parameters and what units to provide arguments in.

Local cutouts

EveryStamp also support making cutouts of local FITS files through everystamp cutout. A full list of options can be seen via everystamp cutout -h. An example is

everystamp cutout --image <image> --ra <ra> --dec <dec> --size <size> --mode <mode>

Catalogue download

For bulk cutouts at multiple positions, a user can specify a catalogue to use by passing --from_catalogue <catalogue> to either everystamp download or everystamp cutout. This catalogue must be readable by and must contain the columns RA and DEC.

SkyView surveys

Names of surveys covered by the SkyView service can be directly passed to the --survey argment. See e.g. astroquery’s documentation for an overview.

HiPS surveys

HiPS surveys offered by Aladin can also be queried for cutouts. The full list of available surveys is listed here. The name can be passed to the download option directly by prefixing it with hips: like --survey hips:<name>.

Optical surveys

DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys

Cutouts of the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys are provided through a wrapper aroud their own cutout service. Examples of how to query that service can be found at


Cutouts of the Pan-STARRS survey are provided through the panstamps package.

Radio surveys

The table below summarises available radio surveys.

Survey Argument name Frequency/bandwidth Angular resolution Description
TGSS tgss 150 MHz 25’’ TFIR GMRT Sky Survey
LoLSS lolls 54 MHz 45’’ (PDR), 15’’ (DR1) LoFAR LBA Sky Survey
LoTSS lotss 120-168 MHz 25’’ (PDR), 6’’ (DR1, DR2) LoFAR Two-metre Sky Survey
VLASS vlass 2-4 GHz 2.5’’ VLA Sky Survey

LoFAR LBA Sky Survey

Two versions of the LoFAR LBA Sky Survey are available:

  1. Preliminary data release (PDR): region around the HETDEX Spring Field with an angular resolution of 45’’ and a median noise level of 5 mJy/beam.
  2. Data Release 1 (DR1): great improvements over PDR with an angular resolution of 15’’ and a median noise level of 1.5 mJy/beam.

LoFAR Two-metre Sky Survey

Three versions of the LoFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) are available:

  1. Preliminary data release (PDR): a preliminary data release covering the HETDEX Spring Field at an angular resolution of 25’’ and a typical noise level of <0.5 mJy/beam.
  2. Data Release 1 (DR1): the first data release, covering the HETDEX Spring Field with a greatly improved angular resolution of 6’’ and a median noise level of ~71 uJy/beam.
  3. Data Release 2 (DR2): the second data release, covering 27% of the northern sky at an angular resolution of 6’’ and a median noise level of ~81 uJy/beam.

Cutous from the PDR or DR1 releases are made through the PDR image cutout and DR1 image cutout VO services hosted by ASTRON. For DR2 such a service is not yet available. Instead, CDS’ hips2fits service is used to generate FITS cutouts from the 6’’ DR2 HiPS.

For detailed information about LoTSS, see

TIFR GMRT Sky Survey

TIFR GMRT Sky Survey (TGSS) Alternative Data Release 1 (ADR1) cutouts are provided through a wrapper around the VO image cutout service hosted at ASTRON.

VLA Sky Survey

Cutouts from the VLA Sky Survey (VLASS) are provided by code based on scripts written by annayqho and RedTimm. It queries the VLASS observation summary hosted at to determine the epoch and tile to download a cutout from.